Why Organic Farming is Trending for a Healthy Lifestyle?

Organic is a method of crop and livestock production that involves avoiding to use the pesticides, fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, etc. The most widely accepted concept of farming in India is Organic farming which is nowadays trending worldwide. It basically relies on ecological processes, biodiversity and cycles adapted to local conditions rather than the use of input with adverse effects. Organic farming combines agricultural traditions, innovative use of technology to benefit the environment and promote fair relationships and good quality of life.

Principles on which Organic farming rely –

  • Health: Organic agricultural system should sustain and enhance the quality of soil and plant along with the health of the animal, human, and the planet as a one.

  • Ecology: Organic agriculture is based on living ecological systems and cycles, work with them and helps to sustain them.

  • Care: Organic agriculture should be managed in a precautionary manner to protect the health and well-being of current and future generations and the environment.

Benefits of organic farming –

There are several benefits of Organic farming as compared to the conventional way of farming. Here are enlisted some of the benefits of organic farming –

  • Organic farming is a more profitable agricultural system as compared to conventional farming methods.

  • It reduces the production cost by about 25-30 % as it does not involves the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

  • It enables the farmer to use soil for a longer period of time to grow crops and maintain soil fertility.

  • Organic farming has a positive impact on the ecosystem as it is a vital support for the survival of wildlife in the lowlands.

  • Foodstuff produced from organic farming neither contain any sort of artificial flavor nor contain any harmful chemicals.

  • The food products are tastier than the product capitulated from traditional farming.

  • Consumption of products obtained from organic farming reduces the risk of physical ailments such as heart attacks.

Reasons of why organic farming is gaining popularity –

Children are more vulnerable as compared to adults and often lead to various diseases caused by chemical pesticide residues in food. With the growing awareness among parents regarding food quality, parents now prefer organic food products. Animals are often given growth hormones and antibiotics while feeding that directly passed into animal food like meat, poultry, eggs, fish, and dairy products which later consumed by people. In Organic Farming these practices are strictly banned and thus animal feeding is done in the natural surroundings. Organic food products are either grown under a natural system of agriculture, without using the synthetic fertilizers or they are processed products made from organically produced raw material. Now the Food Safety Standards and Authority of India (FSSAI) have launched the Food Safety and Standards Regulations 2017 which keeps a track on the quality of food and then send it for further proceedings.

Organic Farming is promoting in India

Organic farming is a strategy to reduce food output by removing tools like herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and fertilizers. This concept of farming is widely utilized all over the country and to promote such activities, the Indian Government have is giving more priority for farmer welfare. Many schemes and policies are launched in previous years that aim at promoting Sustainable Agriculture.

Even various farms in India are also taking an active part in organic farming and Imperial Farm near Jaipur has taken its initiative that aim at freshly cooked food served to its clients. They are aiming at encouraging and promoting a natural and good intended agricultural practice and also persuade their customer to practice organic farming in their homes. Organic farming must be practiced by everyone in their lives and promote this in society.

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