Eco-Tourism in India – All you need to know

Tourist or traveler once comes across the term Eco-Tourism which is always being a flourishing Industry. Today eco-tourism is getting major importance in traveling sector and thus it shows respect to nature that does not contribute to its degradation. This way of conserving the environment is completely different and worthy enough to experience. While some people having an imprecise idea, it is equally important to understand why it really meant for and entails.

What is eco-tourism?
Tourism with biological ethics, Eco-tourism involves exploring pristine and untouched parts of the country with an intention to support the ecological conservation efforts. The tourism observes flora and fauna in their natural environment and causes the least impact on them. It is the best alternative option for viable tourism and often done on a small scale in India. As we all are aware of the fact that flora and fauna species are threatening due to some human activity and to preserve that there must be our esteem contribution towards nature.

Nature has everything that man needs; although humans are becoming greedy to satisfy their wants (our needs will remain constant, but our wants corkscrew out of control). Sometimes, we don’t know in what way we are causing damage to nature, but it is our liability to give it back in any way and ecotourism is one among them.

Biodiversity is a variety of life on earth that exists in which every single species must be given similar importance and respect. Humanity understands the importance of Gender equality which they promote by having equal rights for both men and women and giving similar importance to both. We all are aware that men cannot live without women and vice versa. Likewise, in an ecosystem, flora and fauna species both can survive with each other. This must not be forgotten that man also forms a part of an ecosystem, then why different species are not granted the same importance.

Importance of eco-tourism

Many human activities have set off an increase in the population of enveloping flora and fauna species that makes their survival complicated. It directly obstructs the food chain along with the habitat and leads to exposed existence in the ecology. Today, our motherland is screaming for protection from the pollution that causes global warming and man is single-handedly responsible for putting her to such extent. Here are some points regarding why you should conserve nature:

  • Rain-foresting is responsible for a stable and pleasant climate.

  • Most of raw material and resources we are using today for industrial and medicinal purpose come from the forests, thus the destruction of forests must be stopped instantly.

  • Forests still intact ozone layer that prevents us from dying of skin cancer.

  • Scientific studies state that continuous rise in pollution and temperature shall destroy all the coral reefs in the next 20-40 years.

  • Biological treasures are threatened and scientists are claiming it the 6th mass extinction event.

Steps to become an eco-tourist

If you are someone who is promoting Eco-tourism in India and also becoming a part of eco-tourism, here are some points you must remember:

  • Read and assemble information regarding the wildlife found in that ecosystem and what causes its destruction.

  • Avoid encouraging ill practices like throwing stones to the wild animals, boisterous behavior with them, etc.

  • Don’t use plastic bags as they can cause pollution problems in natural spaces and cities.

  • Avoid smoking as cigarettes thrown in dry deciduous forests may trigger uncontrollable forest fires.

  • Wildlife Photographer must be aware of photography ethics or have experts to get an idea of how to capture photographs without disturbing fauna species.

Eco-tourism is nowadays the most recommended tours in the industry which must be promoted as much as it can be so that we could save our motherland and preserve nature to its best. Since you have come across to the importance of eco-tourism, you must become a part of it and make some efforts to preserve the natural resources and environment.

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